I have a unique passion for zombie movies. Or perhaps more for the concept of zombie movies.

This passion is not linked to a sick appetite for destruction (to barrow the title from the 1987 Guns N’ Roses almbum)I don’t care for the graphic violence or gratuitious nudity that some Zombie Movies (hereafter to be referred to as ZM) contain.

The coolest thing about ZM is how the heroes find themselves in an apocolyptic setting where man is feasting on man, and he or she will have to figure out a way to survive. However, most of the time in a zombie movie survival merely means escape.

As I am watching a ZM I of course think about what i would do if i found myself amidst dozens of the living dead. I think that i would most likely do what the typical ZM movie hero would do… grab a blunt object and fight for my survival while going around trying to help the others who have not yet been infected.

Naturally thats what anyone would do, but allow me to pose the same question that the top theologians of the mid to late 90’s posed to children in Sunday School and VBS all over the world.

What Would Jesus Do?

Well since Jesus is Jesus, and Jesus can do miracles, Jesus would heal the zombies and breathe life back into the undead. However, Jesus would most likely take the oportunity to teach a lesson to his disciples, or in this case maybe the hero.

We do live in a a Zombie Movie. Everyday we encounter the undead, we work with them, we pass them on the street, serve them food or drink. (I happen to serve them wrenches, extension chords and other hardware) These Zombies often appear to be just fine, but every once in a while, if you’re looking, you can see the death on their faces. You can see their gaping wounds waiting to be healed.

I think that it is too often that we Christians decide the best way to deal with the zombies is by ignoring them. Even more often than that we play out our role as zombie killers and attack the them. And it is altogether too rare that we point them to the the One who healed us from our undead state.

Another problem with Christ followers is that we often forget what Christ has done for us and we appear to be just as dead as zombies. How can we so quickly forget the love that Christ has shown us?

Although the question of WWJD is an unfair question because it fails to recognize that we are not Jesus, the best thing that we can do is point them to Jesus the healer and forgiver.

Now imagine this, a zombie movie where the hero didn’t have to fight for his survival, going around and killing, but out of love and compassion (that Christ first gave us) we show the zombies the way to real life. What if we showed them Christ? What if we loved them?