So i really don’t care too much about pop culture news or gossip journalism. For the most part it just annoys me. But you may have seen my blog on Billy Ray Cyrus being a tool. Well I have a few more comments on BRC cause he has fully solidified the fact that he is a tool.

If you have a pulse and live in America then i am sure that you have heard about the new Vanity Fair pictures of Mylee Ray Cyrus. Yeah i am disgusted with the photos of a 15 year old girl only wearing a sheet but Vanity Fair is notorius for their racey photos (pregnant and naked demi moore… I was young but i remember…) But honestly I am not surprised.

But here is the one that got me:

billy ray cyrus vanity fair miley cyrus vanity fair

I think that affection between a father and his children is extremely important. But that should not be this creepy. Miley is definately a young woman and by the way that she is dressed in the hip hugger and tank she is not daddy’s little girl.

So BRC get a grip! Get over yourself (cause everybody else is over you. ) Be a parent and protect your child from all of this exploitation. Disney’s exploitation is one thing (Miley Cyrus is projected to be a billionare by the time she is 18 ) but Vanity Fair?

And seriously, I hope this is the last time i have to blog about you Billy.